Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Second batch of 3D printed products to be: check

And.... I'm done with the crazy for batch no. 2. Whew. The list of items to design went quickly from twelve to six by eliminating all new rings and improved versions of batch no. 1 for now. They give me too much work since rings need to be designed in different sizes, and wanting to print them in stainless steel makes them a bit on the chunky size due to material design requirements.

And after that the number went down from six to five, to four, to three, to two completed items and two proof of concepts. Ah, deadlines and priority shifts. Luckily I am my own boss in this, so I can just decide I need to spend more time on an item before I want it ordered. No need to waste money. And I'm cheating on my own schedule anyway... I already started working on daily use products instead of just jewelry, while those take up more time because they need to fit into their context of use (apart from just looking pretty, like jewelry).

Next batch will probably be a big one, since I now I already have several items near completion. Now all I need to do is stay on track and DO NOT DIVERGE. One of my more serious challenges, ugh.

Talking about challenges: for creating aesthetically pleasing shapes, I started using a more iterative process. For me, coming up with 'function' is never a problem, but 'form' usually is. I somehow managed to get through my Industrial Design education without gaining much experience in the field of aesthetics, which is a big handicap now as I just don't feel like I'm really having a grasp on the process. J. suggested I use a more iterative process by just making dozens of versions of the same item, all with minor changes, in one file; then pick one or more, and again make several versions. Instead of trying to adapt and perfect one version, which I was doing before. I did, and see:

Man, so much work. But it does progress faster than when I'm just looking at the screen, sighing because I don't know what else to make of it.

Other projects this week: I baked a 'vlaai', a type of local pie from Limburg (in the south of the Netherlands). Because I needed to do some, uh, 'design research'. Yeah, that's what is was. And I liked the taste of that research, sure do.

A leftover egg white was quickly turned into 'kokosmakronen', a sort of coconut macaroons. Jummy.

And whenever I remembered my evening computer curfew, I worked on embroidering this book travel bag. I love me some not having to think in the evenings while keeping my hands busy.

Oh, and I almost forgot to add a photo of my first batch of products! Voila!

With many thanks to J., the resident photographer with his eternal patience with me and his awesome skills with camera's and flashlights ;).

If you want to see the items in more detail, you can take a look at my website!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


The list of different items I would like to design for the next batch.

The number of days I have to complete said batch. During which I, of course, also have to complete my normal (job) working hours. And sleep, eat, and do everything else mortals do.

The amount of designs I have worked out already.

...Houston, we have a problem.

Now, before you accuse me of being a slacker, a procrastinator, a bad planner and a crazy person in general: it's not my fault. Even though usually those accusations wouldn't be that far off, but that's another topic.

No, it is because my first Shapeways order has been delivered, later than planned, and I've been busy non stop before and after that point with setting up the website, facebook page and other social media, photography, filming and many more of those things. Even during my holiday. Yes. That's how devoted I am (*insert pat on the back*).

Luckily, the website has officially been launched today and pretty much everything is done. So now I can stop harassing J. to help me with the website, photo's and filming (which he did with honours, I have to say ;) ), and go back to harassing him about what to do with the 3D modelling software. Poor J. ... I owe him many apple pies.

Back to modelling: I'll be busy with deadlines once again. Don't mind me. I will recover one day (*insert dramatic rolling eyes and "I'm going to faint" hand to forehead*).

In between, some shots of things I did lately, other than above work:

I baked spelt bread for the first time. It tasted good.

Finished a basket for my friend's birthday. It was supposed to be finished one year ago, for... right, her birthday.

With the sewing machine set up already, I sewed a curtain for the 'we have way too many projects going on' storage bookcases in our living room. One down, two to go.

Made a film stamp to brighten up my brother's birthday present (movie tickets).

And I tried my hand at painting a few postcard-sized panels to add some colour to my desk area. Started out with the upper one, enlarged some elements of the first panel in the second panel, and did the same again with the third. I originally planned to use turquoise and blue hues, but since my white and black paint had hardened, I had to add more colours. Ah well, nothing wrong with more colour right?