Thursday, February 28, 2013

Calendar download: March wallpaper

Phew, made it júst in time. Deadline March: check!

Also I managed to stick to my blogging intention of at least two posts a month, since the previous post was February 1st and this one is on February 28th. Hah!

Now for April, I might try something in the graphic style I'm currently practising for another illustration project. No, I'm not going to tell you about it yet because I'm pretty sure it will be finished after at least a year- if I even get to the point of finishing it at all. It's still way above my skill level when it comes to creating those kind of illustrations. But I'll just keep practising.

Okay, see you later!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Styled product pictures

Remember I told you here that I had been shooting my jewelry pictures with a plain white background because it was easier? Because shooting pictures with styled backgrounds was frustrating and stressful to the point that steam was coming from my ears and my mouth was foaming?

Okay, I didn't tell you that last part, neither is it completely true, however I'm not lying when I say it did not work. One reason might have been the fact that I had already ran ill at the time and being ill ánd utterly stressed out ánd with deadlines at the same time does not enhance your creativity and overall sanity.

Anyway, at the time it was decided (foam, foam) that my styled pictures pretty much sucked and that they were completely useless. Hence the plain white background. But this week after finally daring to open my archived pictures, I have to say I had been overreacting a little at the time. A little tweaking and well, these are the results:

Not entirely the super-duper-highly-professional-looking pics I was aiming for, but that was a bit on the ambitious side anyway (wow, really?). I am just a beginner after all... For now, these are good enough. Off to practising more!