Sunday, October 7, 2012

Photography and obligatory slacking off

I've been doing some more photographing lately, this time while using -oh horror- external flashlights (external, so not the one attached to your camera, that one makes it almost impossible to create good photographs). Using external flashlights allows me to make good pictures even when there is not enough daylight. Since the skies seem grey for almost the whole day nowadays, it was starting to become a necessity so I finally conquered my fears and asked J. (the photography wizard) to explain me how to use them. And, providing the flashlight's batteries are full, it is quite simple really.

I really need to step up my game and practise, because if everything turns out well, I'll receive my designs (pendants this time) from the third batch at the end of next week. That means I've got a lot of product photographing to do then, and the more I practise now, the easier it'll be to make good photo's then. I hope.

(Nope, I didn't bake this, this was a ciambella (Italian type of cake, apparently) that my Dad and his girlfriend brought from their trip trough Italy. Mmm...)

I had been feeling a bit 'stressy' and overworked lately because I still have so much to do in so little time, and I suddenly noticed that I for a while I hadn't been feeling like doing any of the things I normally love to do, like baking or drawing or tinkering around. Actually, I didn't like anything to do, even brainstorming for my designs. Hmm, wait, that's a red flag!

Without realizing it, I had slipped into a 'sacrificing everything for work' mode, denying myself time and space for hobbies (or for just loitering around), obsessing over to do lists and the subsequent lack of inspiration and progress. While at the same time my work hours in the shop had almost doubled due to a remodeling of the shop, ánd I was having a cold so I was not feeling optimal as well. Whoops, no wonder things didn't go well.

After realizing this, I decided on some daily obligatory slacking off time. Which was happily spent the same day at a local super-cheap store (for Dutchies: the Action, of course) looking for photography props. I found two items, a small wooden treasure chest and a purple candle plateau (and presto, afterwards I suddenly felt like photographing again!). I'm still looking for some nice natural looking cloth or placemat to serve as underground or background. Maybe I'll just use that as an excuse to visit IKEA as another slacking-off-activity (and hey, it takes 30 minutes of cycling to get there so it even fulfils my daily 'moving' and 'fresh air' quota ;) ).

(The new candle plateau)

(The wooden treasure chest)

Since fall has really started now, I also decided to try starting the day with porridge from freshly milled grains, instead of the usual cereal with yoghurt. Nice and warm and uber-healthy to boot. The grains will have to soak for a night, so tomorrow will be the first tryout.

And from the uber-healthy stuff we move to a 'guilty pleasure', well my guilty pleasure at least: hot cocoa with marshmallows, yum...

If I would have to give this picture a title, it would be "You and me", because I picture these cups belonging to a pair, sitting closely against each other in a romantic setting. However, since my significant other would run far, far away if you put hot cocoa with marshmallows under his nose, naming this "You and me" would be a case of blatant artistic freedom. Rather unfortunate, since that means no romantic tête-a-têtes with hot cocoa for me, but at the same time fortunate, because that means I get both cups for myself, making a title like "All mine! Mwuhahaha!" a lot more appropriate...

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